Training & Consultation

I continue to offer training and consultation to schools and community organizations on a variety of topics related to youth mental health. I am available for speaker engagements as well as more ongoing training or consultation related to promoting youth mental health. I have extensive experience supporting teams in implementing interventions, learning new programs, improving mental health services for youth, or evaluating programs. I have supported schools in implementing multiple mental health interventions including Bounce Back, the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS), Supporting Transition Resilience Of Newcomer Groups (STRONG), and Resilience Education to Advance Community Healing (REACH).

Recent Talks:

Santiago, C.D. (2024) Exposure Approaches for Pediatric Anxiety. Integrated Health Topic Series, Transforming Mental Health. Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego: September, 2024.

Schellinger, K., Santiago, C.D., Holt, J., & Carr-Lee, N. (2024). Designing and Implementing Integrated Pediatric Primary Care. Pre-conference workshop presented at the Society for Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference (SPPAC), New Orleans, LA: April, 2024.

Santiago, C.D. (2023). Enhancing School Support for Youth Exposed to Trauma: Learning from Clinical Interventions and School-wide Approaches (Symposium Chair). Symposium at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA: November 2023.